Ramiro Classical Christian School Executive Search

Ramiro Executive Search Consultants work with aligned classical Christian schools interested in promoting academic excellence, an ever more classical education, traditional Christian faith, and the moral virtues that made Western Civilization great.

Unlike other search firms, we reject the moral fashions which have corrupt schools and which currently dominate it so many of them. What it takes to be credentialed academic leader in much of K-12 education is the endorsement of corrupt and corrupting practices. Experience promoting a corrupt education is no virtue. Instead, we identify aligned, competent administrators for leadership positions, leaders who have the drive, competence, and habits of mind and character to shepherd classical Christian schools.

Ramiro consultants have been involved in classical Christian education (ACCS affiliation) for more than two decades, and they are very much committed to promoting and deepening the presence of classical Christian education in the country as a whole.

Ramiro’s services are unique. Unlike some, we offer a streamlined process. We screen candidates for adherence to and alignment with the traditional classical Christian education model. We strive not to maximize the number of candidates, but to tailor candidate pools to traditional alignment and school needs. Our services are offered exclusively to CCE and ACCS schools. We use consultants from within the CCE and ACCS movement to discover elite talent, screen candidates for alignment, and then offer candidate reports to boards. Our affordable fee structure reflects our tailoring service.

Executive Director:

  • TBA

Board of Consultants:

  • TBA